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Processed Metal Components With the Aid of Custom Hydraulic Press Brake Engineering Solutions

Check out the Custom Hydraulic Press Brake further from RAYMAX developed to help increase the efficiency and accuracy with which metal sheets are worked on. We have been in business as a top ranking manufacturer having more than 20 years of experience serving over many Fortune 500 companies. Our presses are specifically designed for diverse applications to deliver high performance and reliability. Our press brakes are made using state-of-the-art technology and quality is ensured through proper management systems to cater for customer needs.
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Engineering Solutions That Embrace Efficiency In Service Provider’s Work

Our experts in RAYMAX design custom hydraulic presses that undergo state of the art CNC technology which incorporates engineering with metal processing mechanical devices. The machines are consistent throughout their whole work cycle thus ensuring minimal material wastes and increased productivity. In addition, our proprietary design guarantees that every machine will function effectively. Our forward-thinking ethos invests in the latest CNC tech, which enables us to transform processes and override them as needed, significantly decreasing cycle time.

Related products

The range of requirements cut across the metal working sector, and, therefore, RAYMAX is focused on providing flexible Custom Hydraulic Press Brakes. Our machines have been made to perform at various levels of accuracy ranging from high tolerance for the automotive, aerospace and other industrial component. Pneumatic and hydraulic systems in our press brakes allow easy and fast adjustment of bending angles and cuts. As a company, we are committed to both the quality of our products and customer satisfaction, which makes us improve them and upgrade more often than other manufacturers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which сфери are targeted by RAYMAX Custom Hydraulic Press Brakes

RAYMAX Custom Hydraulic Press Brakes are acceptable for automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, and light industrial enterprises. Our machines were designed from the start to meet these industrial and processing requirements with maximum productivity and accuracy.

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Customer Reviews

David Brown

RAYMAX Custom Hydraulic Press Brake has enhanced our productivity in a tremendous way. Dependability and precision have no comparison in the industry. We appreciate RAYMAX for their wonderful outreach and great items as well

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Custom hydraulic press brake with modern CNC technology to enhance accuracy

Custom hydraulic press brake with modern CNC technology to enhance accuracy

High volume production machine benefits from the use of our Custom Hydraulic Press Brakes, which fully integrate with the CNC technology. This ensures a low unit cost and a high operational output in the process of reducing operational mistakes, meaning higher profit margins.
Guaranteeing Quality from Every Angle

Guaranteeing Quality from Every Angle

We at RAYMAX ensure the highest degree of quality is maintained at every stage of our work. Undersurveys and custom hydraulic press brake each go through the highest level of quality control from extensive testing to subsequent thorough inspection providing satisfaction to our clientele.
Consultation and Collaboration

Consultation and Collaboration

With our clients we forge comprehensible relationships. Our experts assist all along the way, be it pre-purchase interaction or after the purchase in the care and attention, so that the customer has his production targets met in a much more easier way.